How can I import my podcast?
Researching your podcast hosting options? Already have a podcast on Anchor, Libsyn or any other podcast hosting service and you want to move it? Nightcast has an easy import tool so the process is painless!
After you have an account with us, first of all you click the "New Podcast" button. The new podcast's title doesn't matter, as metadata will get imported later.
After you get redirected to the new show's page, click the "Import" button. A popup will appear, paste in your existing podcast's RSS feed that you will find on your old company's dashboard.
Great, that's it. Now you will get redirected to the import page, here you can see information about the transferring progress and what percentage of the episodes have been moved so far.
In a couple of minutes the "Import Done!" notice will appear, meaning everything has been transferred!
The last step is to grab your new RSS feed from the "Podcast Info" tab and set-up the feed redirection on your old provider's dashboard.
If you have any question with the whole progress contact us and we will assist you. If you're confused about the whole progress we can even step in and transfer the podcast for you!